Still Life & Real Life Photography

Archive for December 29, 2022

Calla Lilies #154BR

December 29, 2022

Calla Lilies, whose scientific name is Zantedeschia Aethiopica, are not true Lilies, but are a specie of Arum in the Araceae plant family. This flower is considered a perennial plant in the hardiness zones of eight and higher while an annual in zones seven and lower. In cooler zones, the bulbs need to be dug up or they will die if the ground freezes. A native in the marshlands of southern Africa, its preferred habitation is in streams and ponds or along their banks. Callas grow two to three feet tall, having large clumps of broad, arrow shaped brown leaves growing up to eighteen inches long. The plant’s leaves can also be speckled with white spots. The flowers of this plant, which twist and curl into a funnel shape ending in a point, come in pink, yellow, orange, blue, red, dark maroon and even black, flowering from late spring until late summer.

Calla Lilies, also called Trumpet Lilies or Lily Of The Nile, like the bright morning sun and late afternoon shade, particularly in hot summer locales. In cooler climates, Callas like full sun. The plant grows best in moist, well-drained, humus-rich soil and especially loves a sandy soil. All parts of the plant are poisonous and may be fatal if eaten. These plants grow just as well in containers. If grown in a pot in cooler climates, bring the plant indoors during the winter and keep in a well-lit area. With enough sunlight, Callas will even bloom indoors during the winter months.

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Steven H. Spring